Kilpatrick Coffin Bay oysters



24 South Australian, Smokey Bay Plate Oysters

2 Cups Rock salt

4 tbls Worcestershire sauce

200 gm Schulz Bacon

1 tbls Parsley, finely chopped

Lemons to serve

Cooking Method

Remove the rind from the bacon and cut into small pieces, in a fry pan over a medium heat cook the bacon for a few minutes until the bacon is partly cooked.

Preheat grill on medium to high heat, place the rock salt, in a thick layer on a baking tray. Arrange the oysters (in their shells) on the rock salt.

Pour a little Worcestershire sauce onto each oyster & top with the bacon, grill for 5-8 minute until the bacon is crisp and the oyster is cooked.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve with lemon wedges.

Cook’s Tip

Wrap lemon halves in muslin cloth, not only does it look lovely for serving, wrapping the lemon in muslin is a way of getting freshly squeezed juice without the pips.


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