Chicken Breast, Garlic Zucchini Noodles & Grilled Haloumi



4 Barossa Fine Foods Chicken Breast Fillets

Sea Salt

Olive Oil

3 Large Zucchini

2 Cloves Garlic, minced

1 tbls Olive Oil

1 tbls Butter

1 tbls Parsley, chopped

Sea Salt

Black Pepper

200gm Haloumi, Sliced

¼ Cup Green Olives

Extra Parsley Leaves

Cooking Method

To cook the chicken breasts, drizzle with olive oil and season with sea salt, heat a heavy based fry pan over a medium heat, add a table spoon of olive oil to the pan and cook the chicken breast until golden brown on the first side (approximately 10 minutes)

Turn the chicken breast over, reduce heat, cover and cook for a further 10 minutes, allow to rest for 5 minutes. While the chicken is resting prepare the noodles and haloumi.

To prepare the zucchini noodles, remove the ends of the zucchini, using a mandolin cut the zucchini into noodles using the julienne blade, alternately cut the zucchini into thin ribbons with a sharp knife then cut into ribbons.

Heat a frypan over a medium heat, add 1 tbls of olive oil and fry the haloumi for 1-2 minutes on either side or until golden brown, remove from the pan and set aside. Add another table spoon of olive oil to the pan along with the butter, add the garlic and cook for a few minutes. Place the zucchini noodles in the pan, season with sea salt and black pepper, add the chopped parsley and toss for 1-2 minutes and serve.

Serve the noodles onto warmed plates, add the chicken breast, top with the haloumi slices and garnish with the olives and parsley leaves, drizzle with extra olive oil and sprinkle with black pepper.


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